Lydiard Park

Elizebeth St. John visits her ancestral home at Lydiard Park.

ELIZABETH ST JOHN – on loyalty, family bonds, love, and betrayal in the decadent Stuart Court. What was life like for Lucy St John, a beautiful orphaned girl of English high society in the early days of the rule of James 1, times of glittering pageantry and cutthroat ambition, when the most dangerous thing one […]

Elizebeth St. John visits her ancestral home at Lydiard Park. Read More »

Least we forget: Emma Hickman and daughter Lexie-Mai at Lydiard Field of Remembrance.

Emma Hickman Fiancee of Private Daniel Wade with daughter Lexie-Mai opens the Field of Remembrance at Lydiard Park Swindon. Private Wade was killed when his armoured vehicle was hit by a IED in March, just a couple of months before the birth of his daughter Lexie-mai.The latest soldier to be killed in Afghanistan Warrant Officer

Least we forget: Emma Hickman and daughter Lexie-Mai at Lydiard Field of Remembrance. Read More »

Board with Swindon. Town gets onto new MONOPOLY layout.

Swindon is landing its very own MONOPOLY game featuring local landmarks like Lydiard Park, The Magic Roundabout and the County Ground. This Christmas you’ll be able to buy these sites with games money when Winning Moves, manufacturers of this version of MONOPOLY under license from Hasbro, releases the finished product in October. The board will

Board with Swindon. Town gets onto new MONOPOLY layout. Read More »