My book: A picture is only the start of the story

Images and stories from over 40 years of local photography in Swindon
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Calyx is a photo and media agency based in Swindon, UK.


11-4-1984 Thorn EMI satellite dishes on Shrivenham Road

11-4-1984 Thorn EMI satellite dishes on Shrivenham Road

With the launch of Sky Television the Swindon Cable network, which was run by Thorn EMI, erected a set of satellite receiving dishes in the Shrivenham Road Industrial estate. The dishes were later moved to...

1 million tiles – Retiling the Oasis pool

1 million tiles – Retiling the Oasis pool

In January 1984 they removed the leaking fiberglass pool lining and replaced it with a million tiles (from press release) ©Calyx archive Retiling the pool in the Oasis after the original coating leaked with 1 million tiles. ©Calyx archive Retiling the pool in the...

Swindon’s Link Centre under construction 22-9-1983

Swindon’s Link Centre under construction 22-9-1983

For a long time I thought that I had pictured the Link Centre being built. Recently I have undertaken the mammoth task of putting my archive onto a data base, and during that I found some negatives of “West Swindon Sports Hub” being built. No wonder I...