My book: A picture is only the start of the story
Images and stories from over 40 years of local photography in Swindon Order booksFind out moreCalyx is a photo and media agency based in Swindon, UK.
The opening ceremony of the prestigious Shaw Ridge development 1-6-1984
The prestigious development on Shaw Ridge was officially opened by Mayor Harry Garrett on 1st June 1984. Among the guests were many Swindon mayors of the past and mayors of the future along with senior business people including Ralph Bernard of independent Radio...
Sir Richard Attenborough opens the Swindon Media Arts Centre 29-10-1983
Sir Richard Attenborough opens the Media Arts Centre in the Town Hall Regent Street with Mayor Jim Masters and Terry Court who championed the arts in the...
11-4-1984 Thorn EMI satellite dishes on Shrivenham Road
With the launch of Sky Television the Swindon Cable network, which was run by Thorn EMI, erected a set of satellite receiving dishes in the Shrivenham Road Industrial estate. The dishes were later moved to...
31-5-1983 KGV exiting Box Tunnel on a test run.
After an overhaul in the Swindon works the King George V loco was tested on the Bristol line. I pictured it exiting Box...
1 million tiles – Retiling the Oasis pool
In January 1984 they removed the leaking fiberglass pool lining and replaced it with a million tiles (from press release) ©Calyx archive Retiling the pool in the Oasis after the original coating leaked with 1 million tiles. ©Calyx archive Retiling the pool in the...
Swindon’s Link Centre under construction 22-9-1983
For a long time I thought that I had pictured the Link Centre being built. Recently I have undertaken the mammoth task of putting my archive onto a data base, and during that I found some negatives of “West Swindon Sports Hub” being built. No wonder I...