In the history of Lydiard I came across these pictures taken on this day 2013 of POW ehhibition
Painting of Lydiard House by German POW Peter Probst, a 36 year old German serviceman from Koblenz who began his internment at 160 POW Camp, Lydiard Park in 1947.
Peter’s Story
Peter underwent a minor operation in the hospital camp and remained there until February 1948 when he was repatriated. While at Lydiard he discovered an interest in painting which in turn caught the attention of several local people, who bought his pictures of Lydiard Park and St. Mary’s Church. Peter became friends with several local families including Mr and Mrs Gough who lived in the dilapidated mansion house where Harry Gough was the council’s caretaker. This is one of two paintings that Peter produced for them. The Gough family (Joyce Vincent) remember him as ” quietly spoken gentleman and a kindly man”.