Recipe for Keto chocolate nut bars

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Since retirement I have had time to experiment with some Keto diet foods, and several people who have sampled them have asked me for the recipe; so here is the first.
It is a keto chocolate-flavoured nut bar or rather cake which is simple to make.
There is a hint of spice from the ginger, but you could use cinnamon instead.


The Keto diet requires no or very little carbohydrates or sugars and this recipe fulfills this requirement.


Recipe for Keto nut bars.


Food processor
Mixing bowl
Wooden spoon
Scales or ½ and ¼ cup measure
1 tablespoon measure
1 teaspoon measure
1 (silicone) jam tart tray with 12 cavities (I put my silicon tray on a flat metal baking tray for cooking)

Dry ingredients

60 gms (½ Cup) of sliced almonds
55 gms (½ Cup) of pecan nut halves
18 grams (¼ cup) toasted coconut flakes
15 gms (¼ cup) of milled golden flax seed (Yum & Yay)
40 gms (¼ cup) of omega seeds
4 gms (6 table spoons) of Sucralose sweetener (yellow top)
15 gms (1 tablespoon) of either Stevia or Truvia sweetener
18 gms (1 tablespoon) of cocoa powder
12 gms (1 tablespoon) of powdered ginger or cinnamon

Wet ingredients

140 gms (5 to 6 tablespoons) of peanut butter
130 gms (½ to ¾ cup) egg white (I use a 2 Chicks carton of egg whites)
4 gms (1 teaspoon) of vanilla essence

Pre-heat the oven to 180°C or 355°F

Put the almonds in a food processor (I use a small hand blender / grinder) and blitz for a few seconds.
Add the pecans and coconut, and blend all 3 items for a few seconds (this 2-stage blitz allows the almonds a bit more time to break up as they are harder and require more blitzing.)
Put the food processor contents in a mixing bowl.
Now add the remainder of the dry contents and mix them together.

Add the egg white, peanut butter and vanilla to the blender and blitz for a few seconds until mixed. Don’t overwork, as the resulting liquid can be too firm. (it mixes better if the egg white goes in first).

Add liquid to the bowl and stir the contents until all the dry contents are mixed in to form a gooey mass.

Divide the mixture between the 12 tart forms and press down (I use the flat end of a wooden rolling pin, but a teaspoon does the job too).

Bake for 18 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow to cool on a rack before removing from the tray.

Enjoy; maybe with some clotted cream and a strawberry.

This is a basic recipe so vary the recipe to suit your preference.
I have tried a couple of drops of orange essence with cinnamon as a Christmas edition.

The recipe and picture is copyright Richard Wintle/Calyx:For permission to reproduce this recipe please contact the website for that permission.