Europe’s strongest man pulls in the crowd.

Laurence Shahlaei, who won the Europe’s strongest man competition recently, pulled in the crowds at Tesco in Ocotal Way when they put on a Fun Day, despite some typical British summer weather. Yes it rained.

Along with strong man Don Bryden, and under the watchful eye of the town’s Mayor, they pulled two MAN trucks 25 meters across the stores car park.

The pair raised money for British Heart Foundation and PTES. (People’s Trust for Endangered Species).


PTES you ask? As native of Port Elizabeth in South Africa, Don’s involvement with PTES over the past three years has been helping to try to stop rhino poaching in his South African homeland. In Don’s words, “I hope we can raise awareness of endangered animals such as rhinos, which are targeted by poachers for their horns, There is only about five years left for the Black Rhino before it’s declared extinct and it’s all due to the value of their horns.”
